Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Getting Started with iPhone Development

So, you want to develop iPhone applications. Join the club! The first thing you need is a Mac. The second thing you need is a good book. I recommend a book that was recommended to me when I first started (not long ago), Beginning iPhone 3 Development, by Dave Mark and Feff LaMarche.

This is an excellent book to get you started. It introduces you to the interesting world of Cocoa and the UIKit. This takes a bit to wrap your brain around, but the book does a fantastic job of stepping you through it. I found the book to be a nice progression of tasks that definitely give you a solid starting point from which you can branch off on your own!

So, you want to write a Game for the iPhone. Join the club. I thankfully found my way to a great framework for developing games on the iPhone called "cocos2d". Cocos2d makes it very easy to get started in game development. It allows you to design "scenes" where the game play takes place. It makes it easy to create graphic sprites, move them, interact with them, etc. It also integrates several different dynamics libraries to give you gravity type effects with your game play. Definitely give it a try. http://code.google.com/p/cocos2d-iphone

In this blog I will be posting my lessons learned as I learn them. I have a few already.

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